Fundamentals of Computers
?Computers Fundamentals? lucidly presents how a computer system functions, besides teaching basics of programming. Both hardware and software aspects of computers are covered. Computers are classified according to their data processing speed, amount of data that they can hold and price. Due to rapidly improving technology, we are always confused among the categories of computers. Computer is an advanced electronic device that takes raw data as an input from the user and processes it under the control of a set of instructions (called program), produces a result (output), and saves it for future use. This tutorial explains the foundational concepts of computer hardware, software, operating systems, peripherals, etc. along with how to get the most value and impact from computer technology. The book begins with how numeric and character data are represented in a computer, how various input and output units function, how different types of memory units are organized and how data is processed by the processor. The interconnection and communication between the I/O units memory and processor is explained clearly and concisely. Software concepts such as programming languages, operating systems and communication protocols are discussed. With growing use of wireless to access computer networks both cellular wireless communication and WiFi (Wireless high fidelity) and WiMAX have become important. This book will be of immense help to all those contemplating to acquire expert knowledge of computers.
Fundamentals of Computers
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