Biostatistics is the application of statistical methods to the solution of biological problems. Biostatistics (or biometry) deals with the statistical processes and methods applied to the analysis of biological phenomena. The science of biostatistics incorporates the design of biological experiments and interpreting the collection, summarization, and analysis of data from those experiments. Biostatistics are the application of statistics to a wide range of topics in biology. It encompasses the design of biological experiments, especially in medicine, pharmacy, agriculture and fishery; the collection, summarization, and analysis of data from those experiments; and the interpretation of, and inference from, the results. A major branch is medical biostatistics, which is exclusively concerned with medicine and health. Data collection methods must be considered in research planning, because it highly influences the sample size and experimental design. This book explains in detail the basic principles of statistical measures and methods as applied to biological studies. This book may be used as a textbook by undergraduate and postgraduate students of biostatistics in biological, agricultural and health sciences. It will help researchers in these and other aforesaid disciplines.
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