Low Vision Aids and Visual Rehabilitation: An Introduction
Low-vision devices are designed to improve visual performance in children with low vision, thus enabling academic and social adaptation and providing enrichment of daily experiences. The visual field (VF) has a great influence on the telescope adaptation. For eccentric viewing educational training of the TS must be performed before prescription. For those with concentric VF loss, mainly for VF less than 5 degrees, aids should be prescribed with caution. The patient will have difficulty localizing and tracking objects when there is a central or paracentral scotoma with normal peripheral vision or scotomas above the fixation area. The term ?vision rehabilitation? includes a wide range of professional services that can restore functioning after vision loss, just as physical therapy restores function after a stroke or other injury. Vision rehabilitation services allow people who have recently lost vision, are blind, or have low vision to continue to live independently and maintain their accustomed quality of life. Vision rehabilitation services for adults who have recently lost vision, are blind, or have low vision are provided by a team of specially trained professionals, which may include low vision therapists, vision rehabilitation therapists, and orientation and mobility specialists. This book is an outcome of several years of painstaking research work done by the author on visually impaired subjects. This study is modest effort by the author on visually impaired studying in integrated and exclusive setting with regard to their academic achievement and level of aspiration matched on age, sex, level of education, intelligence. Socio-economic status are taken as control variables.
Low Vision Aids and Visual Rehabilitation: An Introduction
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