Energy and Environment- For a Sustainable Future and Technology
Energy is considered as one of the fundamental needs of human being. Its necessity arises from the role it plays in human development and economic growth. Energy is the most critical resource to achieving most of the sustainable development goals. Energy plays a vital role in mitigating poverty through advancements in industrialization, education, water supply and health and fighting climate change. This sustainable development goal focuses on developing and expanding renewable energy resources such as sun, wind, hydropower, liquid and solid biofuels, biogas and geothermal. These renewable sources of energy don?t emit greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere and so are ideal for the environment and human health. Promoting energy resource efficiency means taking preventive actions to save energy and finding ways to generate electricity at lower environmental costs. But it also relates to the environmental impacts that result from extracting resources from natural systems, creating waste and emitting pollutants. Renewable energy resources will therefore play a more and more important role in satisfying our energy needs in the future. The story of human civilization and our impact on the environment cannot be separated from the story of how humans have used energy. From the first time animal energy was harnessed for transport and farming to the fossil-fuel driven industrial revolution and through to our current electricity dependent society, human use and transformation of energy has been the underlying engine of growth and resulted in fundamental environmental changes. Today there is an increasing awareness and concern for affordable and energy efficient equipment and technology for cost-effective production of crops focused at increasing yield, reducing cost of cultivation, preventing losses, efficiently utilizing input resources (mainly irrigation water) and raising farm income. Although energy and environmental concerns were originally local in character but have now become major political issues and the subjects of international debate and regulation. The rich contents are guiding referral to students, researchers, energy planners, environmental activists and administrators.
Energy and Environment- For a Sustainable Future and Technology
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