Cytology, Genetics and Molecular Biology
Genetics is the study of how genes bring about characteristics, or traits, in living things and how those characteristics are inherited. Genes are portions of DNA molecules that determine characteristics of living things. Through the processes of meiosis and reproduction, genes are transmitted from one generation to the next. The physio-chemical basis of biological systems and the control of their development and interactions are being unraveled in spectacular advances in molecular biology. During the past few decades both basic and applied aspects of biotechnology have developed rapidly. Genetic engineering provides great promise for the improvement of crop plants. The successful application of biotechnological tools will require reliable, high levels of transgene expression and their stability over generations. DNA molecules form from chains of building blocks called nucleotides. Each nucleotide consists of a sugar molecule called deoxyribose that bonds to a phosphate molecule and to a nitrogen-containing compound, known as a base. DNA uses four bases in its structure: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T). The order of the bases in a DNA molecule?the genetic code?determines the amino acid sequence of a protein. This book is useful to researchers, molecular biologists, biotechnologists, plant breeders and teachers engaged in advanced genetics and molecular biology.
Cytology, Genetics and Molecular Biology
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