Developmental Biology
Developmental Biology has been revolutionized by the flood of methods and insights from molecular biology and genetics, as well as experienced a resurgence of interest in developmental pathways and fields. Developmental biology is the study of the process by which animals and plants grow and develop. Developmental biology also encompasses the biology of regeneration, a sexual reproduction, metamorphosis, and the growth and differentiation of stem cells in the adult organism. Developmental Biology is an important link between almost all biological sciences, and is assuming more and more importance in fields such as machine and agriculture. Molecular biology has began fulfilling its long anticipated role of linking genetics and embryology and many questions of embryology that had lain dormant for decades have been taken up with new molecular tools and strategies. Developmental processes are very evident during the process of metamorphosis. This occurs in various types of animal. Well-known are the examples of the frog, which usually hatches as a tadpole and metamorphoses to an adult frog, and certain insects which hatch as a larva and then become remodeled to the adult form during a pupal stage. An outstanding feature of Developmental Biology is a wealth of exceptionally clear and vivid illustrations that complement the text, resulting in a succinct yet fully up-to-date treatment of this rapidly changing field.
Developmental Biology
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