Parasites of Domestic Animals

SKU: 9781645321774 Categories: , Tags: ,
Pages:    310 Pages

Publisher:    Alexis Press

Language:    English

ISBN:    978-1-64532-177-4

Publishing Year:    2023

Author(s) Name:    Ronald Hensley

Subject:    Life Science, Zoology


Protozoa are among the most important causes of disease in both man and domestic animals. Parasitology is the study of the phenomenon of parasitism. Animal association can be broken down into (1) parasitism, (2) commensalism, (3) symbiosis and (4) mutualism. Parasitism implied a harmful association between the parasites living at the expense of the host Soulsby. A parasite is an organism that lives in or on another and takes its nourishment from that other organism, or ?host.? Parasites of animals and humans come in many forms, including helminths (worms), arthropods (lice, ticks, mosquitoes, etc.), and protozoa. There are over 1,000 species of parasites affecting domesticated animals throughout the world. They can be broadly classified as external or internal, depending on where they live on their host. The control of animal diseases and the promotion and protection of animal health are essential components of any effective animal breeding and production programme. Despite remarkable technical advances in the diagnosis, prevention and control of animal diseases, the condition of animal health throughout the developing world remains generally poor, causing substantial economic losses and hindering any improvement in livestock productivity. The present book constitutes and describes about some most commonly occurring helminthes trematode, cestode and nematode parasite infections of domestic animals that are encountered under the field conditions.

Parasites of Domestic Animals


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