Modern Concepts in Nanotechnology
There has been rapid progress in Nanoscience over the last few years, particularly in the area of miniaturization. The present book Modern Concepts in Nanotechnology is the scientifically detailed description of developments that will revolutionize most of the industrial processes and products currently in use. This ground breaking work draws on physics and chemistry to establish basic concepts and analytical tools and thus only it provides an indispensable introduction to the emerging field of Nanoscience, Scientific research is the ultimate tool in pushing forward the limit of understanding. But, as with any tool, research is only powerful if used properly, and to its full effects. The more we learn, the more we discover connections threading through biochemical and biophysical world. In writing this book, the author has made every effort to present these connections in a way that will help first time students of Nanoscience understand the subject and how very relevant it is to their lives.
Modern Concepts in Nanotechnology
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