Handbook of Ophthalmological Biochemistry

SKU: 9781645320142 Category: Tag:
Pages:    322 Pages

Publisher:    Alexis Press

Language:    English

ISBN:    978-1-64532-014-2

Publishing Year:    2023

Author(s) Name:    Paul Abraham

Subject:    Ophthalmology


In this book Paul Abraham summarizes, correlates and critically discusses the results of biochemical research on the eye. The material covers nearly one thousand references scattered over a period of more than one hundred years. The data have been selected from works on physiology, anatomy, pathology, immunology, chemistry and ophthalmology. The book is arranged in six chapters: Introduction; Vitamins of Eye; Cornea; Tear film; Lens; and Biochemistry of the visual process. Under the subject of external secretions, the tears are the most important topic. The daily quantities secreted under both normal and abnormal conditions are pointed out, and the physical properties and chemical composition are discussed. The secretions of the meibomian and harderian glands have been less extensively investigated. The knowledge concerning the chemistry of the conjunctiva is of very recent date.

Handbook of Ophthalmological Biochemistry


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