Solid State Physics
Solid state physics is also known as condensed matter physics. For crystallography studies are based on the crystal structure of material, the arrangement of the atoms inside a crystal. The x-ray is used to determine the arrangement of the crystal whether it is the patterned or the atoms are haphazardly located. When the atoms are patterned, the solid is named as crystalline solid. Again when the atoms are in irregularly located, the solid is known as amorphous. Solid state physics has been the standard physics text for physics students. The goal of this book is that it should be easily accessible to undergraduates and other level of students. Solid state physics is an exhaustive introductory text for the students of physics. Keeping in mind, this book has been prepared to present the subject-matter in an easily understandable way without sacrificing the essential details and principles and yet avoiding redundant matter and unnecessary complications. This book is expected to meet adequately the need of the students for whom it is meant. The textbook of solid-state physics has a pedagogical derivation of classic topics that immediately facilitates an examination of modern topics.
Solid State Physics
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