Diagnostic Microbiology

Diagnostic microbiology is the study of microbial identification. Since the discovery of the germ theory of disease, scientists have been finding ways to harvest specific organisms. Using methods such as differential media or genome sequencing, physicians and scientists can observe novel functions in organisms for more effective and accurate diagnosis of organisms. New studies provide information that other scientists can reference back to so scientists.

Book Details


369 Pages


Alexis Press







About The Author

Piers Springer

Diagnostic microbiology is the study of microbial identification. Since the discovery of the germ theory of disease, scientists have been finding ways to harvest specific organisms. Using methods such as differential media or genome sequencing, physicians and scientists can observe novel functions in organisms for more effective and accurate diagnosis of organisms. New studies provide information that other scientists can reference back to so scientists. This text will be known for its exceptionally clear presentation of complex topics and provides a careful balance of concepts, applications and pedagogically superior art. The content of the book throughout addresses the latest information in diagnostic microbiology. The book uses a reader-friendly “building-block” approach to the essentials of diagnostic microbiology. This edition has new topics on viruses and the latest information on prevention, treatment modalities, and CDC guidelines. Diagrams and illustrations offer clear examples of automated lab instruments. This book presents information in an easy-to-understand, accessible manner for students at every level. It describes exactly what takes place in the micro lab, making content more practical and relevant. Readers will find this book very useful.


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