Soil Physics
Soil physics is the branch of soil science that deals with the physical properties of soils. Included in this arena are the measurement, prediction and control of these physical properties, as well as the ways in which such knowledge facilitates various applications, e.g., irrigation scheduling. Just as physics deals with matter and energy, soil physics is generally concerned with the state and movement of matter and energy in soils. Soil physical properties such as water content, texture and structure, as well as soil physical processes such as water retention and transport, soil temperature and heat flow, and the composition of the soil atmosphere, all affect the rates of weathering and soil genesis. We discuss the basic concepts of soil physics that are necessary as background to the more in-depth discussions of soil genesis and geomorphology that follow. Designed for undergraduate and graduate students, this book covers important soil physical properties, movement and retention of water and solutes through soil profile, soil temperature regimes and aeration, and plant-water relations. It includes new concepts and numerical examples for an in depth understanding of these principles. The book provides readers with clear coverage of how and why water and solute flow through the soil and details how various factors influence the flow. It includes guidance on the use of the existing public domain computer models.
Soil Physics
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