Natural Resource and Environmental Management

In this book, we dealt with various concepts and issues relating to the Natural Resource and Environmental Management. We also discussed how these challenges have been partially addressed by global and national agencies. We explained how the exploitation of natural resources causes threats to the biodiversity, and various conservation issues and initiatives taken at global and national levels.

Book Details


278 Pages


Alexis Press







About The Author

Riguel Hamilton

In this book, we dealt with various concepts and issues relating to the Natural Resource and Environmental Management. We also discussed how these challenges have been partially addressed by global and national agencies. We explained how the exploitation of natural resources causes threats to the biodiversity, and various conservation issues and initiatives taken at global and national levels. The sustainable development approach, based on the complex dynamics of resource management, is the desired goal and objective of all national and international bodies. We also discussed how the decentralization agenda has led to changes in the institutional arrangements for managing shared natural resources including the sustainable management of the forests, soil resources and water resources.


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